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P Pliers ………………………………… Plugs …………………………… Polo shirts…………………………… R Reel technology……………Daiwa feeder 390 free download Rod bags……………Rod cover…………………………… Rod pods……………………… Rod technology…………………… Rods…………………………… S Sea fishing rods……………… Seat boxes …………………… Sinkers……………………………… Snaps………………………………… Snelled hooks ………………… Soft plastic lures……………… Spare spools…………………………… 69 Spinning reels…………………… Spinning rods…………………… Split ring pliers…………………… Daiwa feeder 390 free download rings…………………………… Steel wires…………………………… Stingers……………………………… Surfcasting rods……………… Swivel ……………………………… T Telescopic rods………………… Thermo clothing …………Trebles……………………………… Tungsten…………………………… U Underwear …………………… Unhooking mats …………………… The Mag Sealed principle is based on a special magnetic oil, which has been developed by the NASA to transport fuel to the starships based on the magnetic principle.

Such an oil for reel production is not available in the super market. It has daiwa feeder 390 free download be manufactured under most difficult circumstances. If they are exposed to a magnetic field, they change their shape and the oil forms a fluid seal. This magnetic oil is that strong, that it would stick to a magnetic bucket, even if the bottom was cut out. Such a seal, based on the principle of liquid magnetic oil produces nearly no friction, isolates perfectly and prevents even penetrating of little dust particles.

The big challenge for the DAIWA engineers was the development of reels, which are designed to allow the application of this magnetic адрес страницы to generate a kind of liquid membrane, that prevents water penetration to a large extent.

The Mag Sealed design is based on the purpose to keep water as far away as possible from a spinning reel. First of all for sea anglers this is an amazing idea - since it promises a longer life span.

No corrosion, better function. If salt water penetrates the reel and dries, it crystallizes, corrodes the gearing and affects the ball bearings. The simplest solution for implementing a sealed mechanism, would have been the usage of a rubber seal. But this would cause such a strong friction, that an isolation of the rotor and axis would have been impossible. Only the use of a metallic oil in combination with a magnet provides the desired isolation effect without heavy friction.

Years of research and development were required to develop such a reel isolation. We call this liquid isolation Mag Sealed. To prevent the penetration of water, dust particles or salt crystals between rotor and reel body as far as possible, we have developed a nearly frictionless barrier based on magnetic oil, which hardly can be overcome by neither water nor smallest particles.

The result is a silky-smooth running. Service Dept. In most cases, salt crystals and other solid particles are in charge for unpleasant winding noises as well as the loss of smooth running.

If delicate salt or dirt particles penetrate the line roller, it is continuously dragged and the friction is considerably increased. Our Exist was the first reel featuring the Mag Sealed line roller. The magnetic Mag Seal oil forms a barrier, читать полностью prevents the intrusion of water and therefore also of salt and dirt particles into the line roller almost entirely, which could affect the free rotation.

Number of reported cases with noises at the line roller. Our engineers succeeded in further devolving the Mag Sealed invention to a new level. First we sealed the axis to the greatest possible extent, then the line roller and now the ball daiwa feeder 390 free download Mag Sealed is a new chapter in the history of the fishing reel.

Thanks to our danger dash game free download for pc research and development, we succeeded in integrating Mag Sealed into a ball bearing. For a long lifespan and a silky-smooth running over a long period.

A revolution! The magnetic oil barrier does not only prevent the intrusion of water, it also increases the ease of motion and the delicacy of feeling of the reel.

You feel better connected to the lure, detect softer bites and experience more daiwa feeder 390 free download during the fight with the fish. First, the enormous strains, which affect the rotor via the line and the line roller are better distributed. This causes less pressure on the single parts of the rotor.

Comparison of distortion-proofness. The Airbail reel handle is hollow and thus very lightweight, extremely strong and exeptionally resilient. The special, strengthening construction prevents the twisting of the line around the bail, which was a big problem for spin anglers in the past.

An essential reason for line twist has been eliminated with this smart idea. Under the same strain, a conventional rotor is much more distorted than an Air Rotor, since here the strain is scattered over the whole rotor and not concentrated to one point. The big advantage of this material is its lightness and solidity - you will feel this.

Due to Zaion, it is possible to construct a lightweight reel body that durably supports the gearing. Reels featuring a magnesium body and rotor are excelled by their drastically reduced weight compared to conventional aluminum reels.

Our Air Metal technology processes the magnesium in a filezilla server installation guide way, leading to full corrosion resistance, which would be not possible without this special processing.

Comparison with standard carbonstrengthened materials for reel bodies and rotors. We have the perfect metal alloy, we have the more precise processing and we have the knowledge daiwa feeder 390 free download building precise, durable and very lightweight metal reels. We call this technology the HardBody-Z Concept.

These reels have many technological advantages and they are not — compared to other synthetic reels — more expensive and in comparison to our traditional reels they have an economic price. Machined, digitally developed gearing for maximum performance and endurance.

It daiwa feeder 390 free download and efficiently transmits the power of the handle directly to the rotor. The shape and surface of the gear teeth enable the construction of gears with extraordinary smooth running, smallest resistance and extremely long lifespan. The ATD drag is excelled by an even more delicate drag transition and as a consequence thereof is perfectly suited for the use of braided lines.

Contrasting to the UTD drag, daiwa feeder 390 free download the ATD already at the beginning of a strike the drag starts smoothly, then increases to its pre-set drag rating in a fraction of a second, thus eliminating line breakage at the strike.

By the special position and bearing of the oscillation-gear wheels, we improved the smoothness of the gear in comparison to usual systems of similar construction.

The super system that allows daiwa feeder 390 free download casts and prevents line twist reliably. Like this the line unwinds in big loops and very evenly from the spool and thus prevents the twisting of the daiwa feeder 390 free download.

Thanks to this system also longer casts are possible. The Ultimate Tournament Drag System includes impregnated drag discs, which are about 30 times more durable than normal discs. The effective drag power is considerably increased compared to normal drag systems. An additional advantage is the reduced start-up resistance - the drag starts working, when the adjusted drag power is reached and drags smoothly and steadily. Only highquality parts made of steel with smallest tolerances are used.

CRBB ball bearings feature an 12 times higher corrosion resistance than usual ball bearings. The groundbreaking and successful Mag Sealed technology has been further extended at the Exist — from now on, beyond the handle axis also the side axis is completely sealed with Mag Sealed ball bearings. Thus, the axis is sealed to both sides, which shields the gear almost entirely against water intrusion.

The line roller, which represents the part of a reel that most frequently gets into contact with water, dirt and salt, is also sealed by Mag Sealed technology. This leads to a considerably smoother running of the Exist compared to conventional reels and a longer lifespan. The use of the exclusive Zaion carbon fiber material for the construction of the rotor and body enables the design of an extremely lightweight spinning reel, which optimally bears the gear within the reel body.

Permanent smooth running and fatigue-proof fishing are guaranteed. Even in extreme situations, the ATD drag system provides the necessary security to instantly hook and land the fish. Compared to conventional drag systems, the ATD drag features no elevated starting resistance and continually maintains the chosen drag power — another milestone regarding reel construction.

With this reel our Japanese engineers once again have shown, that innovations at highest level are also possible at reel construction. Especially the Mag Download audition full crack kuyhaa download ball bearings are a real highlight, which is daiwa feeder 390 free download to excel.

Daiwa feeder 390 free download Mag Sealed ball bearings completely isolate this area and therefore lead to a markedly increased life span compared to commonly applied saltwater resistant ball bearings. The two Mag Sealed ball bearings are located on both sides, where the handle shaft enters the gear. Like this, the intrusion of saltwater and dirt particles via the handle shaft is almost completely eliminated. The lifespan of the reel therefore is considerably increased, since the gear now is protected from intrusion via the axis thanks to the Mag Sealed mechanism and additionally via the Mag Sealed ball bearings, which shield the driving wheel from the handle shaft.

The Mag Sealed line roller additionally contributes to an easy and permanently smooth running, since this unit is now also protected from saltwater. Due to the use of a semishallow spool, the Morethan is as well suited for the use of thin braided as well as mono lines. Perfect for light fishing for zander, pike, sea trout and perch. The thick neoprene reel bag protects this premium reel at transport.

Every Certate generation since then has to face the achievements of daiwa feeder 390 free download predecessors to become even better. DAIWA has ever since been a pioneering company. In the field of sealing technology we have developed Mag Sealed, a worldwide unique protection mechanism for fishing reels.

Here critical areas of the reel are protected against the intrusion of water and dirt particles. Like this DAIWA could solve a former critical problem of fishing reels, which is impressively underlined by our service statistics.

In our newest design of the Air Rotor the lightweight construction concept has been further optimized by the use of Zaion material. By strengthening the retrieving power of the Air Rotor combined with a now even better and stiffer housed line roller, also the daiwa feeder 390 free download performance received a markedly improvement.

The optimized rotor-balance additionally cares for more sensitivity during the retrieving of the lure, since vibrations are reduced to a minimum. Perfect prerequisites for a slow lure presentation.

The trend towards fishing for big fishes with even daiwa feeder 390 free download light tackle requires a reliable drag performance under all circumstances. Daiwa feeder 390 free download the new ATD drag system DAIWA has developed a drag system, which provides the selected drag power instantaneously without the usual high starting resistance. With this technique in your hands you are able to cross former daiwa feeder 390 free download boundaries by reducing line breaks and losses in a highly effective manner.

Our new HD heavy duty models feature a one-pieced monocoque reel body, which delivers highest stability. The one-piece construction makes daiwa feeder 390 free download gear unit even tougher and can be strained to the limit in extreme situations.

Additionally the reel body is sealed and thus even better protected against water intrusion. Certate high-speed spool with super shallow spool for braided lines Art. The and sized models feature an aluminum spool, while the other models are equipped with an extremely lightweight Air spool made of special carbon composite. Продолжить Ballistic Ex-H spinning reels delight every angler.

Within this model really everything convinces — the sporty and modern design in combination with the innovative Mag Sealed technology and other, DAIWA-exclusive technical details make this reel a real highlight.



Der weibliche Mensch – Seite 3 – AMELI ZURICH

    The SVF carbon fiber material allows the design of lightweight and fast blanks, thanks to the high amount of carbon fiber and the low resin content — perfect characteristics for modern rods for fishing with soft plastic lures and hardbaits! Ideal for strong current or when fishing with large baits. The cold-forged Tough Digigear Drive Gear has been completely re-designed and guarantees due to its new teeth an enduring silky-smooth running and highest resilience even under tough strain. The name "Tatula" stands for outstanding quality as well as latest technologies and innovation since years.


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